14 Types of Mold in Homes to Watch Out For

14 Types of Mold in Homes to Watch Out For

Molds are microbes formed by certain types of fungi. There are at least 100,000 different types in the world, but some scientists estimate that there may be three times that many.  Molds reproduce in large numbers through spores. They can trigger or exacerbate...
Mold Illnesses: Everything You Need to Know

Mold Illnesses: Everything You Need to Know

Are you a homeowner? If so, then keeping your family safe at home is a top priority. This includes protecting them from mold illness and other types of household dangers. Mold illnesses, such as CIRS &amp, are a group of health problems that are caused by...
Does Mold Die When It Dries Out?

Does Mold Die When It Dries Out?

With over 100,000 different types of mold in the world, the nasty fungus is something you’re likely to encounter in your day-to-day life.  Mold grows in dark, hot, and damp places. Since moisture is so crucial for its growth, a lot of people think drying out the...