14 Types of Mold in Homes to Watch Out For

14 Types of Mold in Homes to Watch Out For

Molds are microbes formed by certain types of fungi. There are at least 100,000 different types in the world, but some scientists estimate that there may be three times that many.  Molds reproduce in large numbers through spores. They can trigger or exacerbate...
10 Tips to Prevent Mold

10 Tips to Prevent Mold

50% of households experience mold infestation. With spring abreast and summer right around the corner, the rising humidity makes the perfect conditions for mold to proliferate. One of the usual spots where they tend to develop is around windows. Mold is not only...
Mold Inspection 101

Mold Inspection 101

Are you aware that mold can silently infiltrate any home, regardless of age or location? Mold inspection in Orlando isn’t just a precaution-it’s a necessity. Consider this: mold is natural and you can find it everywhere. That doesn’t mean...